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Unlock Your Property's
Full Earning Potential
with RealHolmes

Effortless Management for Long-Term and Short-Term Flexibility

Upgrade Your Property
Management with
Personalized Services
to Meet Your Needs

Manage Long-term Leases

Enjoy Short-stay Rentals

Utilize RePay for Online Transactions

Leverage Maintenance Service Providers

Simplify Property Ownership

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How it Works


Download and
Signup with Repay

Download Repay and sign up. Don't forget to click on the button labeled "Apply for a RealHolmes Property Management Account."


Log in to your RealHolmes
account using Repay

You will receive an email notification for your Property Management Account. Log in using those credentials.


Submit the
Property Contract Form

You’ll now have access to your Property Management Account. Please download and submit the contract agreement form.


Access Service Providers
for your Short-Term Rentals

You can now list properties with RealHolmes and have access to property services through our Repay merchant services.


and Benefits

Features and Benefits
Leasing management

Leasing Management

Our certified agents manage every part of your tenant experience, from finding the right tenants to collecting rent efficiently.

Maintenance Network

Maintenance Network

Our trusted service providers keep your property in top condition, ensuring tenant satisfaction and preserving value.

Financial Efficiency with Repay

Financial Efficiency with Repay

Simplify your finances with Repay's easy-to-use platform. Monitor property performance, track payments, and many more

Features and Benefits
Rent and Legalities

Rent and Legalities

Enjoy automated rent collection and a legal framework for smooth operations, even during evictions or legal challenges.

Property Inspections

Property Inspections

Stay ahead of maintenance needs with regular inspections, safeguarding your investment and maintaining high standards.

Marketing and Screening

Marketing and Screening

We use strategic marketing and thorough tenant screening to attract responsible occupants, enhancing your property's reputation and revenue.

Features and Benefits
Enhancement Services

Enhancement Services

Enhance your property with attractive upgrades such as smart technology to boost its appeal and market value.

Sustainability and

Sustainability and Community

We prioritize eco-friendly practices and community-building services for a sustainable and enjoyable tenant experience.

Utility Management

Utility Management

Simplify utility management with our comprehensive negotiation and payment services.

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Download Our App

RePay is a new Digital Mobile Wallet giving OFWs, businesses and individuals an easier alternative to traditional payment methods.

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Frequently Asked

Lady with a laptop

At RealHolmes, we understand the nuances of different rental strategies. For short-term rentals, we offer adaptive pricing, efficient turnover services, and targeted marketing to attract a wide array of travelers seeking flexible accommodations.

Yes, with RealHolmes, you retain full control over your property's schedule. You can specify when your property is available for short-term stays, optimizing occupancy according to your preferences and peak seasons.

Our financial reports deliver a comprehensive analysis of your property's performance, detailing metrics such as occupancy rates, revenue streams, operational expenses, and overall profitability for both rental models.

Absolutely. Our 24/7 response team is dedicated to ensuring that any issue is swiftly addressed, safeguarding guest satisfaction and maintaining the high standards of your property.

We implement a rigorous guest screening process, including identity checks and reviews of rental history, to maintain the integrity of your property and ensure a positive experience for all visitors.